King David: A Man After God’s Heart

Written by: Omolola A.J. Oriogun

Photo Credit: Google

King David, the second king of Israel, is one of the most beloved and iconic figures in the Bible for many believers. He was a shepherd, a warrior, a poet, and a leader who ruled Israel for 40 years. Despite his flaws and mistakes, David is remembered as a man after God’s heart… Acts 13:22.

David’s life was marked by his deep trust and obedience to God. Trusting in God alone and all He has done through him; David defeated the giant Goliath with his faith and just a stone… 1 Samuel 17. He patiently waited for God’s timing to become king, even when it meant fleeing from King Saul’s jealousy… 1 Samuel 23-24. He mourned and repented when he sinned, as seen in his famous Psalm 51.

David’s legacy extended far beyond his military victories and political achievements. He is credited with writing many of the Psalms, which have become the hymns and prayers of believers in Christ for centuries now. His passion for worship and his desire to build a temple for God showcase his heart of worship and his desire to honour God.

Despite his human frailties, David remained a powerful example of what it means to follow God with all of one’s spirit, soul, body, heart and mind; and with all one’s strength. His story still inspires us to trust God, to repent when we fail, and to seek God’s guidance in all aspects of life.

He is one of my favourite Bible characters because his life gave me hopes and assurance of God’s unconditional love, mercy and forgiveness. Also, through David’s life, I have learnt to express my heart to God the way it is, without shame or hiding.

What inspires you too about King David? Tell us in the comment section!


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